We’re on a mission to elevate the massage therapy profession nationwide.

We are an independent, private, nonprofit organization founded in 1992. Our mission is to elevate the massage therapy profession nationwide by establishing and advancing the highest credentials and standards of excellence.

Our Vision

Through its accredited status, NCBTMB creates, promotes, and sustains a culture in which the highest quality of professional credentialing and standards are advanced in the massage therapy profession. This is accomplished by:
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Ensuring that the NCBTMB board certification examination and requirements reflect the highest level of professional standards.
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High Quality Education
Ensuring that all aspects of the educational landscape are of high quality and integral to the ongoing maintenance of board certification and the massage therapy profession.
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Strong Infrastructure
Maintaining a strong and viable infrastructure that supports NCBTMB programs.
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Effectively communicating the importance of Board Certification to the public, to employers, to massage therapists, and to stakeholders in massage and related professions.

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Building an inclusive community committed to elevating the profession and promoting the safest, most ethical, and highest quality massage experience for wellness and health.

NCBTMB Strategic Plan

Our mission, vision goals, and initiatives. 

What Certification Means

Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (BCTMB®) is the highest credential within the massage and bodywork profession. Choosing to become Board Certified demonstrates your advanced assessment and critical thinking abilities, as well as provides instant credibility to current and prospective clients and employers.

Board Certified status requires a certificant to pass a rigorous NCBTMB Board Certification Exam, pass a criminal background check, and agree to uphold NCBTMB’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. The 2023 Pass Rate for the BCETMB was 56%.¹

Person on laptop

Our Goals

The NCBTMB Certification Board has prioritized three goals for the NCBTMB Strategic Plan.

Board Certified Badge

Board Certification

NCBTMB grows an inclusive community of Board Certified therapists by creating awareness of certification’s value in collaboration with stakeholders and educators.
Approved Provider Badge

Approved Providers

NCBTMB will grow and support the Approved Provider program while promoting and upholding high standards of continuing education.
Assigned School Badge


NCBTMB maintains a strong and sustainable infrastructure to support growth of its essential programs and to respond to new opportunities.


“Board Certification is new to the massage profession, but it is not new in other professions where it is highly regarded. Achieving Board Certification advanced my career and validated my credibility in the courtroom, where I serve as an expert witness in legal cases involving massage therapists. Professionals RECOGNIZE and RESPECT Board Certification. It symbolizes commitment, dedication, and expertise. Massage therapists who are Board Certified have gone above and beyond licensure—they have achieved more than minimum requirements. You can expect more from professionals who chose to become Board Certified.”


Susan Salvo, EdD, LMT, BCTMB

“Board Certification is the closest thing we have to a national credential. Our field is in a time of great transition, and I am eager to be part of the solution. NCBTMB is in a position to help massage therapy mature into a well-respected profession – That’s why I chose Board Certification."


Ruth Werner, BCTMB

“I have been a therapist for 33 years. My practice has consistently been focused on working with Chronic Pain clients. Doctors of different specialties send their patients to me for pain relief and/or Lymphatic issues. I became Board certified to have the highest credential our profession offers. I wanted the Doctors to feel confident in me and my standards of practice. Encouraging my students to take this next step of receiving National Certification is definitely part of their education.”

LaDonna Ward, BCTMB, LMT

LaDonna Ward, BCTMB, LMT

“Becoming Board Certified was a dream I had always had. I wanted to show my students that you are never too old to achieve a goal and that the potential to be great is always there! I am passionate about massage therapy, and I believe in the advancement and advocacy of our professionals through education and commitment to excellence. Our industry is evolving quickly and I chose Board Certification because I saw an opportunity to evolve and show my students all of the different possibilities that are available in our community of massage therapists.”

Becky Thom, BCTMB, CMT

Becky Thom, BCTMB, CMT

"Being Nationally Board Certified brings an extra level of significance, especially when one is seeking to be part of the medical care community. As a Registered Nurse, Board Certification is a symbol of expertise in one's field and offers patients a greater sense of comfort, knowing that their provider has "gone the extra mile" to advance themselves by obtaining Board Certification."

Christine Bailor-Goodlander, BA, RN, BCTMB, LMT

Christine Bailor-Goodlander, BA, RN, BCTMB, LMT

"I am Board Certified because it is the highest credential in the massage therapy profession. I choose to set myself apart because I work with doctors in the chiropractic, medical and dental professions where Board certification is respected and understood. I encourage all massage therapists to achieve Board certification and experience the difference Board certification can make in their career. Aim higher - Become Board Certified!"

Jane Johnson, BS, LMT, BCMTB

Jane Johnson, BS, LMT, BCMTB

"I am Board Certified because it is the highest credential in the massage therapy profession. I choose to set myself apart because I work with doctors in the chiropractic, medical and dental professions where Board certification is respected and understood. I encourage all massage therapists to achieve Board certification and experience the difference Board certification can make in their career. Aim higher - Become Board Certified!"

Jane Johnson, BS, LMT, BCMTB

Jane Johnson, BS, LMT, BCMTB


We are proud to be directed by the NCBTMB Certification Board. Elected by our Board Certificants, our Certification Board Members embody the diversity of our industry in their professional expertise.

The NCBTMB Certification Board is responsible for all aspects of Board Certification, including developing certification criteria and examinations, evaluating candidates for certification, and maintaining the integrity of the certification process. The Certification Board ensures that NCBTMB maintains its status as an accredited certifying body within the massage therapy profession.

Certification Board:


Chris Deery, LMT, BCTMB

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Jennifer Carlson, LMT, BCTMB
Practitioner Member

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Crista De La Garza, LMT, BCTMB
Practitioner Member

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Matthew S. Gavzy, LMT, BCTMB
Practitioner Member

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Laurence J. LaBoda
Public Member

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Shelly Johnson
CEO and Secretary

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Ready to take the next step?

Join our community of massage therapy professionals and access the resources, education, and the support you need to advance your career.

Get Board Certified

Earn the highest credential in the massage therapy profession and gain recognition for your advanced skills and abilities. 

Become an Approved Provider

Share your expertise and become a part of the leading network of massage therapy continuing education providers.

Become an Assigned School

Join us and support a national standard of excellence in massage therapy education.